
8. Crafting Effective Configurations for Your Listings

It is important to write strong configurations on your semiconductor equipment listings on, Moov is dedicated to helping you succeed

Selling semiconductor equipment online requires more than just listing the equipment's name. A well-written configuration provides potential buyers with the critical details they need to make informed decisions. This knowledge base article will guide you through creating clear and compelling configurations that attract the right buyers.

Key Components of a Semiconductor Equipment Configuration

  1. Basic Information
  • Manufacturer and Model: This is the foundation of your listing. Include the full manufacturer name and the specific model number.
  • Year of Manufacture (Vintage): This helps buyers gauge the equipment's age and potential technological relevance.
  • Current Location: Specify where the equipment is physically located. This impacts shipping logistics and costs.
  • Condition: Be transparent about the equipment's condition. Use terms like "new," "used," "refurbished," or "as-is" with clear descriptions of any known issues.
  1. Technical Specifications
  • Process Capabilities:
    • Clearly state the primary process the equipment is designed for (e.g., deposition, etch, lithography).
    • List the specific materials or film types the equipment can handle.
    • Mention any additional process capabilities (e.g., in-situ metrology, multi-chamber configuration).
  • Throughput and Capacity:
    • Specify the wafer size the equipment is compatible with.
    • Provide information about throughput rates (e.g., wafers per hour).
    • Mention any capacity limitations (e.g., maximum batch size).
  • Key Features:
    • Highlight any advanced features that differentiate the equipment (e.g., robotics, automation, integrated metrology).
    • Mention any recent upgrades or modifications that enhance performance or capabilities.
  1. Additional Details
  • Maintenance and Service History:
    • Briefly describe the equipment's maintenance history (e.g., regular preventative maintenance, recent service).
    • If available, mention any service contracts or warranties that transfer to the buyer.
  • Documentation and Software:
    • Specify whether the original documentation (manuals, schematics) is included.
    • Indicate if any software licenses are transferable to the buyer.
  • Supporting Equipment:
    • If applicable, list any additional equipment included in the sale (e.g., chillers, pumps, gas cabinets).

Tips for Writing Effective Configurations

  • Be Clear and Concise: Use straightforward language and avoid jargon. Focus on the most important details.
  • Use High-Quality Images: Include multiple photos from different angles. Capture close-ups of key components and any visible wear and tear.
  • Highlight Unique Selling Points: Emphasize any features or capabilities that make your equipment stand out from the competition.
  • Proofread Carefully: Errors can create a negative impression. Double-check your spelling, grammar, and technical accuracy.

Example of a Well-Written Configuration

Applied Materials Producer GT PECVD System

Technical Specifications:

  • Process: Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)
  • Film Types: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), Silicon Nitride (Si3N4), Low-k dielectrics
  • Wafer Size: 300mm
  • Throughput: Up to 200 wafers per hour

Features: 3 Twin Chamber configuration, FX robot, integrated metrology

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